Measure for Pleasure - Ogilvy Digital

Chocolate brand Beyond Dark wanted to differentiate itself and take a bigger share of the UK's dark chocolate market against well-established competitors such as Green & Black's so through Ogilvy contacted MyndPlay to put together a first of its kind study into everyday pleasures.

Stroking puppies and kittens, blowing bubbles, listening to a concert violinist or eating the finest drops of chocolate. With 80 participants, neuroscientists from Birkbeck University and Myndplay find out how every day pleasures compare. Then make the first ever scale for measuring pleasure.

Measurement and evaluation
There were 32 articles on the study in national press including Metro, Daily Express, The Daily Telegraph and London Evening Standard. Dedicated broadcast segments included a five-minute slot on The Alan Titchmarsh Show, as well as on TalkSport and BBC Radio Scotland.

Sales rose from 20,000 units in the days running up to the Blue Monday launch, to 40,000 on the day. Social media monitoring during the week following the launch detected a rise in posts using ‘pleasure’ and ‘chocolate’, from 30,000 to 70,000. Beyond Dark’s Twitter account gained an additional 7,000 followers overnight following the launch.

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