CleanCo - The Pleasure and Buzz of Zero Alcohol Drinks

It’s official – you don’t need to drink to have a good time

To a great extent, our expectation that we will have a good time when we drink is driven by cultural norms rather than objective experience. Results from a new piece of research recently revealed that high strength alcohol isn't intrinsically linked to pleasure - showing once and for all that you don't need to drink to have a good time.

Neuroscientists at Myndplay - a technology firm that specialises in brain and emotion-based research - led a study using brainwave electroencephalogram (EEG) technology and blind-testing to measure the taste, preference and pleasure response to gin drinks with varying levels of alcohol content.

Those who drank the different strengths of gin and tonic experienced clear differences in pleasure - releasing flows of dopamine, otherwise known as the “feel good” chemical on the brain.

The Joy of Gin experiment revealed that the low alcohol alternative, CleanCo, provided more pleasure than the real thing.


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